
15 Thursday
Aug 2019
Dear Mr Imran Khan.

Dear Mr Imran Khan,
I write to you as a common citizen of India. We have admired you for your finesse in cricket, for the cancer hospital you helped build for the people of Pakistan and for the long route in political activism that brought you to be Prime Minister.

Your gesture of releasing Wing Commander Abhinandan, helped de-escalate the stress between the two countries after the Pulwama attack. But your rhetoric on Kashmir is classic of everyone who has preceded you in your office. It’s as if 72 years after independence, the Pakistani obsession with India hasn’t abated. I would have thought you would have put your energies and limited budget into improving health, education and civic amenities for majority of your people, not posturing in the media over what is undeniably India’s internal matter.

If you think Kashmir is not as internal problem for India, I urge you to raise the issue of the people of Tibet and Hong kong, their civic rights and liberties with the United Nations security council as well. No, you don’t have the guts to take on China? You should not have the guts to take on India as well. We have started together 72 years back, but we’ve come a long way, you might as well start…it’s a long walk ahead for Pakistan as a nation too.

If you are so concerned about human rights I’m sure can start with ensuring rights for the residents of Balochistan, the religious minorities and ughurs. Also ensure that you are putting efforts to raise the level of education and empowerment for the women in Pakistan who’s safety indices are amongst the worst in the world.

Jinke ghar sheeshey ke hotey hain, woh bakiyon par pathar nahin mara kartey. Please ensure the welfare of your people, and allow us to bring Kashmiris into mainstream India. The decades of isolation have given nothing but militancy and misery to the people of Kashmir. We are now attempting to correct a historic wrong, and hope as a neighbour, you will allow us to do so in peace.

Jai Hind.
Dr.Sarika Verma
ENT surgeon