More About Dr. Sarika Verma

Dr Sarika Verma
MBBS,DLO,DNB (ENT- Gold medalist) is an ENT surgeon and Director of a chain of 12 AllergyDoc Clinics across India.

She is also Aam Aadmi party Haryana state President Doctors wing and State Spokesperson.

Dr Sarika is a staunch AAP supporter since 2013, and has been working tirelessly on the ground in Gurgaon for past 11 years. She has been raising issues of corruption , misgovernance, poor infrastructure with courage and passion. She is a strong voice for the environment, youth, farmers, women and health workers.

Her life's aim is to bring accountability in governance and improve facilities provided for the people of India with taxpayers' money.

She finely balances her time between medical practise, public service and family.

You can know more from the following links.

Dr Sarika Verma

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My Vision for Gurgaon

Millennium City the jewel of Haryana needs better governance for the people who have spent crores of rupees buying their houses and creating a life for themselves.

My dream for Gurgaon is one of smooth roads without potholes, cycle lanes and walkways on par with the west.

A city where drains are functional and roads are not inundated with every rainfall.

My primary aim is to make Gurgaon a ZERO WASTE CITY through waste segregation at source, composting in every sector, recycling plants and incineration of sanitation waste.

A city with clean air, blue skies, large number of parks and water bodies, public recreational and sports facilities for all ages. A city where stray animals are given proper facilities, where dog bites do not cause havoc in every sector. I would like to create a network of government funded clinics across the city with primary healthcare and a government hospital and medical College for tertiary healthcare which is desperately lacking in Gurgaon.

Modern cities across the world are connected by public transport and to that end I hope we will be able to connect the entire city of Gurgaon with a good network of Metro service.

Uninterrupted power supply, solar energy harvesting on large scale, run off water preservation are basics which need to be implemented in our beloved city so we can become a cosmopolitan Millennium city we all can be proud of.

Good governance is not rocket science. Holding our elected representatives accountable is important for a city of Gurgaon's significance.Hope the people of Gurgaon share my vision and help an educated hard working Doctor and environmental activist to represent them in the Haryana assembly this year.