About Us

- Dr. Sarika Verma is a double postgraduate ENT Surgeon.
- She was awarded national gold medal for ENT in 2005 by National board of examinations.
- She has been practising in top Gurgaon hospitals for 15+ years.
- She is Haryana State President Aam Aadmi Party Doctor's Wing.
- She is serving as President of AOI ( ENT ) Association Gurgaon.
- She is also Chairperson IMA Gurgaon Women Doctor's wing.
- An environmental activist.
- Founder member of Aravalli Bachao movement.
- An Allergy specialist of National repute.
- Runs a chain of twelve AllergyDoc centres in five cities (Gurgaon, Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Udaipur)
- She has a keen interest in national and international affairs.
- She has served as honorary secretary of Indian Medical Association Gurgaon 2021-22.
-She has been National Convener for IMA's National initiative for safe sound.
- She is Chairperson for National Congenital Deafness program.
- Has been working against noise pollution for many years.
- Works on mental health and suicide prevention amongst school and college students
- A courageous voice.
- A mother.