Aravalli Bachao Founder Member

The Aravallis are the oldest hills in the world. They are being depleted for illegal quarrying with over 28 hills having disappeared according to the government's own records. Haryana Government has amended the Punjab Land Preservation Act or PLPA on 28th February 2019.A few residents of Gurgaon got together and put up a spirited campaign under the Aegis of a group called Aravalli Bachao, which brought this issue into focus and the Hon. Supreme Court stayed the Haryana government’s PLPA amendment in March 2019. Despite the stay, in July 2021 Government of Haryana got the Governor's sanction on the PLPA amendment and is now petitioning the Supreme Court to remove it's stay.Removing this law will open up more than 60,000 acres of land in the Aravallis in Gurgaon and Faridabad for construction, result in loss of flora and fauna and open up South Haryana to desertification. Dr Sarika along with a few residents started the Aravalli Bachao movement, and helped bring the issue of Aravallis in media and public glare. Ever since she took up the mantle of AAP Badshahpur Convener, she is no longer a member of the Aravalli Bachao team, but continues to work towards preserving the last bit of forests of Haryana state. It is her aim to ensure Government of Haryana increases forest cover in Haryana to atleast 10% so that the next generation will have air to breathe, and not just jungles of concrete to live in.